Sports betting 101

Get Tips and Tricks for Better Results for In-Game Wagering

The following is sports betting 101 as explained by the experts at fan88:

Having access to various sports books

It is recommended that as a bettor, you should access at least three sportsbooks; one square, one sharp, and one reduced juice.

The square sportsbooks are the odds makers catering for the casual bettor. They are the type which have limits which are fairly low as the novice bettors tend to be prone to bet favorites and the overs that are known to offer great lines for the unders and the underdogs. Such sportsbooks are mostly ½ point or more off the average of the market.

Sharp sportsbooks refer to the ones that take limits on the games which are high and mostly take 6 figure bets in the NFL season. They are the type that have the best lines when it comes to the overs and the favorites.

While majority of the sportsbooks do charge roughly -110 vig when it comes to each side, the reduced juice books tend to be superior for the bettors that do it daily as they have likes of -105 or at most -106. While the bettors have to win 52.38% of the bets that they make to be able to break-even with a juice which is standard at -110, the percentage tends to drop to about 51.22% when the juice is at -105.

When you have access to various sportsbooks, and keep on to shop forth best lines, you can increase your long run profits by 2%. That might not sound great to newbie in betting, but the small difference might offer the difference of being a winner and a loser in the season.

The sportsbook to choose

You need to check out the to find out which one is likely going to work best for your individual betting needs. There, you will be able to get expert analysis and feedback on each of the offshore sportsbook. You have to find out which sportsbooks seem to be reliable, offering signup bonuses which are valuable or have cash out policies which are convenient.

Consistent size of unit

You have to ensure that you don’t overreact to the latest streak. Systems which are good always win in the long run so ensure that you try maintaining a unit size that is consistent when you bet. Majority of the expert will try advising to bet between 2% – 5% of what is in your bankroll whenever you are betting on a game depending on your aggressiveness.

There is a danger of trying to chase systems that allow advertisement of winning percentages that are unrealistic. You have to resist any urge that you might be having of increasing the bankroll while on your winning streak. Come up with a flat betting strategy and you will see that you become a step closer to gains in the long run.

Sell on good news, buy on bad news

There is a need for you to take an advantage of the shaded lines based on the trends that happened recently. You have to ignore the small sample size statistics at all cost.