Chronic Back Pain And Fibromyalgia Symptoms Alleviated

It has been more than two decades since the cannabis plant, more popularly known as marijuana, has piqued the curiosity of members of the medical community. Medical marijuana is currently available in several states for the treatment of specific diseases by form of free cbd gummies. Its effectiveness as a pain reliever has been widely documented for many years. In spite of the fact that cannabis is most often linked with cancer pain relief and weight reduction, its analgesic properties have the potential to be beneficial for persons suffering from back pain, fibromyalgia, and a variety of other chronic pain problems.

What is the mechanism through which cannabis relieves pain?

Similar to the opioid receptor system in the body that enables endorphins to have their pleasant, pain-relieving effects, the body also possesses a cannabinoid receptor system that allows cannabinoids to have their pain-relieving benefits. Cannabinoids are classified into three types: endocannabinoids (which are created by the body), phytocannabinoids (which are produced by marijuana plants), and synthetic cannabinoids, which are manufactured in a laboratory.

The cannabis plant includes a variety of different cannabinoids, each of which has its unique set of characteristics. This talk will focus on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and beta-caryophyllene, which are the three most essential components of cannabis. THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, is a modest pain reliever and the primary psychoactive component of marijuana. CBD has been shown to alleviate spasms, inflammation, nausea, and anxiety in humans. Beta-caryophellene is a potent anti-inflammatory cannabinoid that may be found in the greatest concentration in cannabis essential oils. It is also present in small amounts in other cannabinoids.


The most current hypothesis on fibromyalgia proposes that the brains of those who suffer from the condition process pain improperly, or that the brain receives an excessive number of pain signals. Increasing the quantity of cannabinoids accessible to the body may help to alleviate the pain associated with fibrmyalgia, according to research. Patients with fibromyalgia who used cannabis reported substantial improvements in pain and stiffness according to the findings of a short research published in the April 2011 edition of the journal PLoS One. A complete overview may be found at en db study show.php?s id=319, which is also available in English.

Inflammation, muscular spasms, and/or nerve pain are all common symptoms of chronic back pain. Cannabis has been demonstrated to alleviate all of these symptoms, while research into neuropathic pain alleviation have received the greatest attention in the last several years. A short research conducted by Mark Ware, MD, investigated the effects of cannabis with various THC concentrations on the alleviation of chronic pain in healthy volunteers. Those who got the greatest potency, 9.4 percent, indicated that their pain had been greatly decreased.

According to some reports, street marijuana has 10-15 percent THC, which is far more than is required for pain treatment. This may provide an answer to a critical concern for individuals contemplating medicinal marijuana: Do I have to become high in order to use it? The answer is a resounding nay. Because THC is the primary psychoactive component of marijuana, lowering THC levels and increasing CBD levels would result in less psychological side effects while still providing pain relief, according to research. There are clinics in states that allow medicinal marijuana that provide strains of cannabis that are strong in CBD and low in THC.