A Beginners Guide On How To Use That Yoga Strap

If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, you’ve probably seen people using straps around their feet to deepen stretches. The idea is that you can take a pose like Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) or Padahastasana (Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose) and increase your range of motion by looping one end of the strap around your foot and grabbing the other end with both hands. This increases the tension in your inner thighs, which helps deepen those poses even more than they were before. Here’s how:

  1. Loop your strap around the arch of your foot and grab each end of the strap.
  • Loop your strap around the arch of your foot and grab each end of the strap.
  • Gently squeeze the strap to create more tension in your inner thighs.
  • Press your feet back and open up through your chest as your knees bend deeper into the pose
  1. Gently squeeze the strap to create more tension in your inner thighs.
  • Gently squeeze the strap to create more tension in your inner thighs.
  • Use a strap to deepen a pose.
  • Use a strap to increase your strength.
  • Use a strap to increase your flexibility.
  • Use a strap to increase your balance
  1. Press your feet back and open up through your chest as your knees bend deeper into the pose.

Press your feet back and open up through your chest as your knees bend deeper into the pose. This will help you increase your range of motion and flexibility, as well as improve strength in the shoulders and arms.

Yoga straps are used by yogis all over the world to increase their range of motion and deepen poses that require flexibility or strength.

As a beginner, you may only need a yoga strap if you’re struggling with hamstring stretches or planks at home. However, advanced yogis can use them to help with arm balances and inversions. You’ll also find that most advanced students use straps for more difficult poses like crow pose and handstands, but this is not necessary for beginners who are still working on finding their balance in downward-facing dog!

If you want to stretch your wrists or your grip, use something that keeps those muscles from slipping out of place. A yoga strap is an easy way to do this.When it comes to stretching your shoulders, there are several different approaches you can take.

The most important thing is that you feel good and relaxed when completing the stretches. And when performing any type of exercise, start gently until you adjust to the new routine and then increase the intensity gradually over time.Many straps come with multiple lengths so you can try out different options without having to buy another one from scratch.


These are just a few of the many ways to use your yoga strap. It can also be used as a tool to stretch out tight muscles, help you balance during inversions and backbends, or even support your ankles when doing standing poses like warrior 1. The key is to remember that it’s all about finding what works best for you!