Evoke Neuroscience: Understanding the Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease, a truly debilitating ailment, can transform the lives of individuals and their loved ones. So, for Evoke Neuroscience, understanding the symptoms of this disease could pave the way for early detection, targeted support, and advanced care.

Alzheimer’s Disease: A Brief Overview

Alzheimer’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder most common in older adults, leading to a steady decline in cognitive abilities. Memory, thinking skills, and the ability to perform simple tasks are progressively affected, significantly impacting the quality of life of those affected. It can now be estimated that nearly 50 million people worldwide live with dementia, and Alzheimer’s is the most common type.

Early Warning Signs Of Alzheimer’s

Memory Loss: This is among the most identifiable signs. Individuals could begin to forget recently learned information, important dates, or events. Repeating questions or relying more on memory aids or family members for reminders about things they used to handle on their own are indications not to be ignored.

Challenges in Problem Solving or Planning: Struggles with developing and following a plan or issues with working with numbers, like having trouble following a familiar recipe, could be subtle signs. Another symptom to look out for is difficulty concentrating and taking much longer to perform tasks than before.

Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks: Commonly known tasks, such as driving to a familiar location or remembering the rules of a favorite game, can become unexpectedly challenging for individuals affected by Alzheimer’s.

Confusion with Time or Place: Lastly, Alzheimer’s patients can lose track of dates, seasons, and the passage of time, potentially forgetting where they are or how they got there.

More Advanced Alzheimer’s Symptoms

With Alzheimer’s progression, the following symptoms become more noticeable, affecting relationship dynamics and daily functioning:

Trouble Understanding Visual Images and Spatial Relationships: Some people might experience vision issues, which can lead to difficulty with balance or trouble reading.

Misplacing One’s Things and Difficulty Retracing Steps: Someone with Alzheimer’s may put his/her things in unknown places. They may even lose the capacity to retrace their steps to locate them.

Decreased or Poor Judgement: This can often pertain to decisions about money, like giving large amounts of cash to telemarketers. It may also involve the neglect of grooming and keeping clean.

Withdrawal from Work or Social Activities: As the symptoms of Alzheimer’s worsen, people may withdraw from hobbies, social activities, work projects, or sports that they once loved and were active in.

Changes in Mood and Personality: And finally, mood changes such as confusion, depression, fearfulness, or anxiety are common. Becoming upset easily, being suspicious or fearful, or acting out of character may also be signs that need attention.

Learn More About The Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s Disease

You should always remember that it’s perfectly natural to forget some things – and it doesn’t necessarily indicate dementia. However, drastic or ongoing memory loss is unusual and should be investigated by a health professional.

With millions affected globally by Alzheimer’s disease, Evoke Neuroscience believes it’s vital that you foster awareness about the symptoms, enabling earlier diagnosis and intervention. So if you or a family member are experiencing these symptoms, seeking professional medical advice early on would be a wise step.