Leather Holsters Maintenance and Care

Leather holster has a big space so store it carefully

When you are not using your leather holster, keep leather goods in a cool, dry place. They may be covered in a soft cotton thread and should be kept separately from clothes or essential papers. Research says that it will be in good shape if it is kept cool and dry.

If you keep your handgun in a holster or other protective device, inspect it regularly for moisture, condensation, or rust. Additionally, remember to regularly remove your leather holster like crossdraw holsters from storage to inspect its condition. Then you have to clean it off, and remove any dust you see

The cleaning processes

After each usage, wipe off your leather goods with a clean and dry towel. If the leather gets dirty, a simple cleaning with warm water and glycerin soap may be performed. Brush the leather with a soft-bristled toothbrush and rinse it. After that dry the leather until it is just barely wet. Allow the goods to air dry completely.

Additional tips for maintenance

Along with your normal cleaning regimen, the following suggestions will assist you in caring for your leather shoulder holsters.

Leather conditioners should be used sparingly according to users. The specific conditioners are designed specially to relax and moisten leather. Although MTR Custom leather is hand polished with the proprietary leather dressing and you can take outside service regarding this matter.

If you decide not to take any outside help, you can treat the external partof your leather holster with a commercial leather treatment that does not include lacquer if it becomes dry or damaged. Know that leather should be protected from sweat. You will need a barrier between your skin and your holster, such as a t-shirt, coat, or the waistline of your trousers. They will preserve your leather holster.

Spray silicone on the inside of your holster to help protect it from excess moisture. Additionally, spray silicone accelerates the draw by decreasing friction.If your product gets saturated in water, gently reshape it and allow it to air dry at ambient temperature. Avoid using anything hot here, since this can cause the leather to shrink, stiffen, and break.

We have found out that when brass cartridge is kept alongside leather, a greenish residue known as “verdigris” develops. It is a naturally occurring byproduct of a chemical change between brass and vegetable-tanned leather. The process is going to be reversible.

To maintain the greatest condition for your leather products and to enable them to age naturally and elegantly, avoid the following:

  • Saddle soap that may cause the leather to become too soft so you can’t use it while cleaning your leather holster according to data.
  • Areas with a high concentration of salt/sweat may damage the leather’s quality. That’s why you need to focus and keep a look on it so it doesn’t happen.

Many individuals who are new with carrying a concealed gun have no idea how critical a holster maintenance is.