Six Tips To Take Care Of Your USB Sticks

Photos, music, computer programs, documents, videos, books or any other information you can think of, is easy to carry on the “flash memory drives” that many still use. However, these devices need the care to function properly.

  1. Scan It Frequently

At all times, you must make sure that your USB drive is safe from any virus that could harm your PC or laptop. Therefore, we suggest that before opening any file, you first scan it to detect any possible threat.

If you don’t, you risk a virus destroying the essential files or documents that you have saved on the device. In the same way, it would affect the computer you are connecting it to.

  1. Extract It Correctly

When you take your USB stick out of the computer, you have to do two essential things. First, click on the “Safely Remove Hardware” command, which allows the computer to download the drive safely.

The next step is to remove the device from the port carefully like in the case of Power socket (ต้ารับ ปลั๊กไฟ, which is the term in thai). If you do not perform the first step already mentioned, you will risk destroying some files, both on the drive and the computer. On the other hand, if you remove the USB, and transfer to it or vice versa will stop, resulting in corrupt or incomplete files.

  1. Always Protect It With Its Cover

When they are not in use, the idea is to store the USB sticks in a special box intended for that purpose. It is also essential to put the cover on them since this protects the device from dirt or other debris that can damage it if it accumulates in the cracks and spaces inside the memory.

This could undoubtedly affect its performance. On the other hand, these devices, although they are quite reliable and turn out to be safer than the Cloud –in the face of hacker’s attacks, they can be damaged by falling on hard surfaces. In these cases, it also helps that they have their cap on.

  1. Please Do Not Force Them Into The Connectors

The connectors like power plug with usb socket (ปลั๊กไฟ usb, which is the term in thai) on these types of devices are unidirectional, according to This means that they must be inserted in one direction only; so, if there are difficulties to do it, it is best not to force them to avoid damage.

  1. Disconnect It If Not In Use

It is not a good idea to leave your memory plugged into the computer when you are not using it. A sudden surge or lack of electricity could damage your electronic components and cause a malfunction.

Once you finish transferring the data, it is recommended that you disconnect the USB device before doing another job on the computer.

  1. Always Make Backup Copies Of Your Data

Flash storage devices are not infallible and can damage your data when they are not handled correctly.

Therefore, they highlight the importance of backing up important information on multiple media or even printing data on paper for long-term storage.