Types Of Air Heat Pumps You’ll Love

Air heat pumps work a little differently than other types of heat pumps. Instead of using warm, indoor air to heat your home, an air heat pump extracts heat from outside sources and transfers it to your home. The warm, moist air from fogs, ice storms, and other natural sources is turned into a comfortable temperature inside your home.

To do this, the air must pass through a heat exchanger. An air heat pump is a type of heat pump that takes advantage of this natural process to create warm, moist air. Differences between a forced-air furnace, extractive heat pump, and an air conditioner

What Is An Air Heating Pump? 


An air heating pump is a type of Luftvärmepump (Air heat pump) that takes advantage of this natural process to create warm, moist air. Air heating pumps are most commonly used in rental properties, hospitals, and other places where temperatures can reach high levels quickly. They are perfect for places where the temperature changes often, like an office or a bedroom.

Forced Air Furnace 


A forced-air furnace is a type of heat pump that uses hot, indoor air to heat your home. A forced-air furnace is the most common type of heat pump and is used in homes with large families and people who are constantly in contact with others.

Forced air furnaces work by extracting heat from outside sources and transferring it to your home. The warm, moist air from fogs, ice storms, and other natural sources is turned into a comfortable temperature inside your home.

Extractive Heat Pump 


An extractive heat pump extracts heat from outside sources and transfers it to your home. This is a more expensive option, but it can be more efficient because it uses a forced air furnace to create warm, moist air.


What Is An Air Conditioner? 


An air conditioner is a type of heat pump that uses indoor air to create a comfortable temperature. Air conditioners are used in homes, businesses, and other places where it’s necessary to keep things cool or to increase the comfort of an environment.

Differences between a Forced Air Furnace, Extractive Heat Pump, and an Air Conditioner 


When you think about heat pumps, the first thing that comes to mind is an air conditioner. However, there are several different types of heat pumps that can be used in place of an air conditioner. Forced air furnaces are the most common type of heat pump.

They’re also the most expensive, and they require a lot of maintenance. extractive heat pumps use forced air to extract heat from something else (like a temperature sensor) and transfer it to your home. These heat pumps are more affordable and less expensive than forced air furnaces, but they still require some upkeep.

An air conditioner uses hot air to cool you down and then transfers that cooled-down air into your room or house. This is the easiest type of Heat Pump to use and doesn’t require any special installation instructions.





  1. Forced air heating systems are the most popular type of air conditioning.
  2. Forced air heating systems use forced air to heat the room.
  3. An extractive heat pump uses extracting cold air from space to heat the room.
  4. An air conditioner uses hot air to cool the room.